R+D in Drug Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems

R+D in Drug Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems

Intense participation of the I+DFarma group in the XVII SEFIG Congress, which is being held from 22 to 24 January in Tenerife. Opening conference, oral communications at the congress and at the TecPharInnova Workshop, chair of sessions and a wide variety of posters

The opening conference of the XVII SEFIG Congress “Working on the precision of medicines” will be given on the 22nd by Carmen Alvarez Lorenzo and will focus on “Bioinspired Medicines”. On the same day 22, Patricia Díaz Rodríguez and Mariana Landín Pérez will also participate in the TecPharInnova Workshop with contributions on

“Development of an innovative targeted therapy for osteoarthritis” and “Artificial Neural Networks in Drug Research and Development”, respectively.

On the 23rd, Carlos Illanes Bordomás will participate with an oral communication entitled “Design of core-shell aerogels using artificial intelligence tools for drug delivery”, Paola Carou Senra with “Implementation of a portable printer for personalized medicine”, Bárbara Blanco Fernández with “Bioprinting of 3D models of breast cancer with decellularized tissues”, and Lara Touza Otero with “Polyphenol-based formulations for the treatment of topical infections in veterinary medicine”. Alvaro Goyanes will act as Chair of the panel “Innovation and regulation in medicine 3D printing technology”.

In the poster sessions, Luis Díaz Gómez, María Pita Vilar, Lucia Aboal Castro, Paola Carou Senra, Xela Rodríguez Maciñeiras, Helena Rouco Taboada and Ana Iglesias Mejuto will present their contributions.
More information at https://sefig25tenerife.es/