R+D in Drug Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems

R+D in Drug Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems

Clara López Iglesias defends her Doctoral Thesis on December 04 at 4:00 p.m. in the Graduate Room of the Faculty of Pharmacy (Semipresencial)

Title: Tecnología de aerogeles y supercrítica para el desarrollo de sistemas de administración de fármacos en piel y pulmón
Author: Lopez Iglesias, Clara
Director: Carmen Isabel Alvarez Lorenzo, Carlos Alberto Garcia GonzalezÁrea: Farmacia e Tecnoloxía Farmacéutica
Center30: Pharmacy Faculty

Date and place of reading : 04/12/2020 16:00, Semipresencial: Salón de Graos-Microsoft Teams

Telematics Thesis (semipresenciales o totalmente virtuales)

Those interested in attending a thesis defense session as a public must do so through the Microsoft Teams software through the link provided. Link: Click aquíto attend the thesis as a public